Dan Shea is a full stack software developer operating in the UK, predominantly building web apps and web services.
Hailing from the North, Dan moved to the east midlands for University and decided to stick around afterwards.
Back in his Northern homeland he runs a software consultancy, Posit Software, offering remote and onsite software development
The service worker offers amazing functionality and control over network requests, but as always, great power requires great responsibility.
The caching strategy you decide upon will affect the UX, quicker page loads and the ability to load pages while offline is incredible. However it can also have detrimental effects, getting caught in a state whereby you cannot update your own website properly, if you do not plan appropriately.
If you followed the earlier tasks and set your service worker to delete the old...
LLB Law with Business
Msc Management of Information Technology
Started Graduate Dev Job
Got Engaged
Started at mid dev UNiDAYS
Swam the English Channel
Senior dev UNiDAYS
Got Lean
Got fat again lol
Drop me an email if you are interested in me coding for you, speaking at a meetup or a conference!