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As a child I would find myself “bored”. On such occasions I used to let my imagination run wild playing with lego, or draw computer game characters, such as sonic, lara croft etc.
Sadly as I grew up I fell out of this habit, and indulged in the things young adults do, dating, drinking and generally making an arse out of myself. I recently felt a strong urge to draw again and typical to my impulsive habits I bought 3 art technique books, a set of pencils and a sketch book, spending way more that I really needed to, oh well, yolo.
*list books
I obviously started with the fantasy art book first.
This was my first attempt, about an hour in. I admit that it took way longer than it should have to get to this point but in my defence the author states that getting the stance correct is vital, and I redid that about 20 times and I’m still not happy with it.
A major bug bear with this early image is the eyes, I haven’t got the angle correct. I’ll try to rectify this on the next iteration.
I’m hoping to crack on with these books and blog my pitiful progress, hopefully to the amusement of you the reader, but really I hope that I rekindle some of that inner child in you, maybe it’s not drawing, maybe it’s lego, or climbing or whatever.